The art of living - a small story on happiness


I love this quote:

Life has a certain pace. You should be joyfully in a hurry but never impatient.

Life moves quickly. Death is certain. We better realize that we only have one life and should try and make the best of it.

But then, all the dream-chasing can also become a source of stress. I’m not moving towards my goals and dreams as quick as I want! I’m not sure which way to go. Nothing is changing although I’m doing my best, etc.

To not get impatient in all of this can be difficult, but the importance of learning to love the process is huge, although cliché.

As well as the importance to focus on the positive. Focus on how much you’ve progressed instead of on where you wished you would be.

And also learning to accept the place where you are now, still with a drive to be joyfully in a hurry and take real actions to move forward.

I guess that’s the art of living.


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