Posts tagged Personal development
The more you help people find their light, the brighter you both will shine.

Being happy has to do as much with ourselves as with others. If you can contribute to another person's happiness, undeniably you will feel happier as well. I think it's nature's way to guarantee that the good prevails 😊. Deep down inside we want to be contributing and collaborating, taking care of each other, lifting each other up, and probably not being as individualistic as we might have been taught or how society seems to appreciate it.

Read on to learn on how to shine and let shine.

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Identity hacks for a happier life

Choosing deliberately for happiness requires a certain mindset and a certain identity: the core belief that with effort, you can change. All the work you put into your personal growth becomes easier when you believe that you can be a different person: more joyous, healthier, more successful, fitter, kinder, calmer, more authentic, stronger, or any other quality you want to cultivate in your life.

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Waarom motivatie bullshit is

De belangrijkste les in motivatie: vertrouw niet op motivatie! Motivatie is geen perfecte vriend, je hebt andere buddies nodig, naast motivatie. Als je enkel op motivatie naar doelen toewerkt, zal je waarschijnlijk falen, zelfs al is het iets superbelangrijk. Je hebt commitment, engagement, en volharding nodig. Je verhoogt de kans op slagen enorm als je net op die momenten dat je geen goesting hebt en dus niet gemotiveerd bent, toch doet wat je moet doen.

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